At present, I am holed up in a hotel near the main campus of the University of Reading, the host institution for RAC/TRAC 2014. This year's conference looks to be the best attended in RAC history, and considering the slate of speakers that will be taking the stage over the next few days (plus there are three sessions dedicated to Pompeii!) it is easy to see why this is the case.
Given these circumstances, I thought that I might take the opportunity to plug a couple of DPHP-related goings-on. The first is of particular relevance to RAC: I have contributed a poster ("Doors and the Use of Space in Pompeian Cubicula") to the poster session Framing Interactions: Approaches to Coexistence in the Houses of Pompeii, organized by LMU Munich's Distant Worlds Graduate School. The session opens tomorrow afternoon (28/3) at 12:30 in the Palmer Building Foyer. For those not in attendance who might be interested in viewing my offering, I have made it available for download here.
I will also be giving a paper at the Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology Conference (commonly referred to as the CAA) in Paris at the end of next month. Entitled "Modeling Permeable Boundaries: Reconstructing Doors and Partitions in the Casa del Menandro at Pompeii," the paper is situated in the day-long session Virtual Reconstruction in Archaeology, which takes place on Thursday, April 24th in the Pantheon Amphitheatre 2A. The abstract can be viewed here.